•  Welcome to the Maharaja Agrasen Model School 


Welcome to Maharaja Agrasen Model School

Dear Readers,
Quality education can mould the life of ordinary into extraordinary. Education is the foundation for oneself to explore the avenues for growth, innovation and creativity. It is to realize one's dreams and create a path leading towards the sense of fulfilment.

We, at MAMS, follow this philosophy for training each young mind into an explorer's mind and tune it by harnessing skills to meet ever growing challenges being faced in the present competitive setup. We firmly believe that our methods and policies backed by very sound creative tools and techniques required for the teaching-learning environment pave the way for the students to become responsible citizens. They give them the strength to withstand the ups and downs of life.

We aim for quality where excellence is the keyword. This criterion of brilliance is applied to all the areas of school life with the objective to develop every possible dimension of the child. We acknowledge that our students have immense talent besides their academic capacity. We do appreciate their dynamic disposition and zealous involvement in all the fields and provide them with innumerable opportunities to participate in a wide range of sporting and co-curricular pursuits.

MAMS is soaring new heights where the success of Mamsians has blown its conch so high that the world reverberates it now. Thousands of students have passed through the portals of MAMS and now are serving the Indian society and abroad in different capacities.

Principal’s Message

Inspiring Excellence through Words and Deeds,
Dear Esteemed Readers,
Within the sacred sanctum of education, where minds are sculpted and the vision is refined, we, at MAMS, uphold a profound belief that education is not about dictating thoughts but nurturing the ability to think critically and independently. Guided by this timeless principle, our institution strives to instill in our students the virtues that chisel a well-rounded individual, primed to confront life’s challenges with fortitude and grace.

Embarking on a journey of enlightenment and empowerment, we strive to provide our students with a comprehensive learning experience, permeated with positivity, skill, confidence, humility and a sense of responsibility. As we go through the annual reflection of “Agrashikha,” let us rejoice the triumphs attained, the wisdom gleaned and the bonds fortified.


Our Vision

To impart holistic education for life-long learning.
To inculcate honesty and intellectual integrity.
To nurture empathetic and compassionate learners with values of brotherhood and humanity....

Our Mission

To address the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects of a child's life thereby presenting the society a sustainable adult who would be emotionally balanced and eager to serve the nation
To impart inclusive education and serve the community
To provide seemingly paired opportunities for all genders To provide facilities with state-of-the-art infrastructure....